For each episode of fifth season of the Podcast The Magnus Archives, I have done sets of 4 separate illustrations, these are my favorites from each week

TMA Weekly is a derivative, non-canonical, fan-made project derived from The Magnus Archives, an original podcast which is created and distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. TMA Weekly is not endorsed by Rusty Quill Ltd. and is distributed under a creative-commons, attribution, noncommercial, sharealike, 4.0 international license. For more information about the original source material visit

For my 2019-2020 junior thesis project, I adapted Euripides' *Medea * into a experimental 20-page full-color comic

My short form silent webcomic Golden/Blue hour

My short form silent webcomic Golden/Blue hour

If you are interested in representing Ouroboros and would like to see more about this project please contact me at: [email protected]

A black and white traditionally inked comic about something rotten

Mick Tardy aka "Hyst" is a native New Yorker and recent graduate of the School of Visual Arts. They are currently, working on multiple original projects along with freelancing.
When not taking the chance to go on walks or play with their cats, they enjoy doing fanart for various podcasts and environmental concept work.
Mick is looking to do background design, concept and colorist work for comics one day! They are also interested in whatever project that involves storytelling!
For business and work inquires, contact them at [email protected] or through any of their socials for commission information

My short form silent webcomic Golden/Blue hour


My short form silent webcomic Golden/Blue hour



My short form silent webcomic Golden/Blue hour


My short form silent webcomic Golden/Blue hour
